Conference Tickets

Physical Track

Status: Early Bird

Handmade Boston

Handmade Seattle

Boston + Seattle

Online Track

Status: Early Bird

Handmade Boston

Handmade Seattle

Boston + Seattle

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm financially disadvantaged.

If you’re a student or financially struggling send Abner an email and tell your story. We typically do one of two things:

1. Generate a ticket with a meaningful discount

2. Award a free seat thanks to someone who sponsors it

P.S. We ask those who can afford our tickets to not abuse this system of trust.

I want to sponsor a ticket.

Your kindness will not go unnoticed! You can go about this in a couple of ways:

  • Sponsor directly: Our tickets already include a transfer button. You can gift them to someone you know.
  • Donate to sponsor pool: If you trust us to handle it, use our Donorbox and in the comments type “I want to sponsor”

We use this pool to award free seats to those in need.

How do I upgrade my ticket?

To upgrade from the online track to a physical one send us an email:

P.S. Upgrading is only possible if there’s still physical tickets.

Are refunds available?

We don’t process refunds. The physical track is a superset of the online one, so if you can’t attend in person anymore you can join us virtually.

When do I receive my fundraiser perk?

If you participated in our fundraiser, you should’ve received a Donorbox receipt and a confirmation email from Abner. Perks started to roll out in March 2024 and will continue over the next couple of months.

Word on the Street

Bravo all, looking forward to next time!

Has been a joy watching this conference grow, and this one may have been the best so far in my books!

-Quade Zaban, Independent game designer

“Huge thanks to Abner Coimbre for making this possible! We appreciate you!”

I had such a wonderful time at Handmade Seattle this week connecting with an amazing community of people who passionately love the craft of software development!

-Hadjar Homaei, CTO @compdem

“My first Handmade Seattle was so great.”

Abner Coimbre is a fantastic host & organiser with an important vision for building better software that benefits all of us, in his words: “reclaiming user value”
– Alasdair Monk, VP of Design ▲ @vercel

Keep Us Indie

Corporate dystopia is the absence of events where engineers can speak freely