Fundraiser Perks

Dear Handmade Folks,

It’s Dawn of the Final Day… for the Handmade Cities fundraiser! I’m blown away with the support so far. As many sponsored conferences fade away, the Handmade ones march on, fueled solely by us – no sponsors, no strings.

Haven’t grabbed a fundraiser perk yet? Today’s the last chance:

Also catch me live on Twitch this afternoon Seattle Time, for some live reactions to last-minute contributions while I continue to work on Terminal Click.

Personal Thank You Videos 📹

To those snagging high-tier perks ($200+) or are donating monthly, hold tight for personalized thank-you videos. I’ll be rolling these out throughout March at a fast but reasonable pace.

Conference Details this Spring 🌼

Mark your calendar for March 20th! We’ll drop the dates and themes for Handmade Boston 2024 (summer) and Handmade Seattle 2024 (fall), along with the call for speakers and demos. Early bird tickets will be up for grabs too.

If you snagged the Hangry Conference Architect perk, you’ll be invited to a private chat room. We’ll be hosting special live-streams before the Spring: your input will influence which themes/topics are selected; you can even suggest speakers.

Note that final decisions still rest with me.

Content Creator: Abner’s Terrible Fate?

More online presence, not less, is on the horizon for me – from Twitch to YouTube, Mastodon, and beyond. It’s time for us to cast a wider net and draw more eyes to Handmade Cities. Mainstreaming ChocoVine should be an interesting side-effect…

Stepping further into the spotlight eats up time, so I’ll be leaning on my staff some more for important behind-the-scenes tasks. Massive thanks to them – their vibes and work ethic are always incredible.

Handmade Meetup Hosts

Quick shoutout to the hosts running Handmade Meetups – thanks for holding down the fort while I hustled through the fundraiser. You’ve done amazing, and I appreciate your consistency in organizing your monthly meetings while I have been anything but consistent in helping you.

I encourage folks to check out the list of cities and sign up for one nearby. I hope to reconvene with the hosts shortly after this fundraiser. Finally, if you think you got the social chops to run meetups, send me an email! And if you already did, hang tight.

Spring’s almost here,

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