Attend Handmade Boston, Get a New Terminal

Dear Handmade Folks,

We’re one month away from Handmade’s début in the east coast: August 3-4th! Both the speakers and myself are preparing to give you an incredible first conference at Boston. I’ve also been cooking up something extra, quietly and in earnest…

Terminal Click is a brand new desktop terminal. It’s my take on how terminal emulators are supposed to serve you going forward, and represents my first Handmade software release to a general public.

How soon can you get your hands on it? If you attend Handmade Boston this August, whether in-person or online, you’re getting a copy that very month. A closed beta is precisely what I need to suss out bugs and understand which current features are the most useful (and which ones need refining.) Our events are popular so slots are limited!

This personal project has been evolving in the background for several years, and I am pumped to finally share this with you. My life may be consumed with organizing indie conferences, but I remain a programmer at heart.

Reminder: Early Bird Extension🎫

Just a friendly reminder that the early bird ticket sale has been extended indefinitely this year. I’ve taken this step in response to the surge of discount requests and financial assistance (given the climate of mass layoffs and economic uncertainty.

It’s pretty dicey for a conference to not raise ticket prices over time, because people might just wait until the last minute to buy one! However, I’m banking on those who can afford to register early will decide to do so. That way, those who need the most time will be able to get this reprieve.

I appreciate anyone who’s able to join us early!

Schedule Breakdown

The Handmade Boston website shows all of our speakers but we still haven’t explained the physical and online track split, the exact order of the masterclasses, and other logistical details of that nature.

Before the week expires this information will be published.

Your Handmade Boston Journey ✈

I’ve received requests to recommend hotels and other tips for traveling. I intend on adding this information to our website too, but there are attendees already sharing cool suggestions on the Handmade Discord.

This can be found specifically in the “meetups” channel. Visit the server and scroll up slightly little to see.

Handmade Seattle Up Next

In the same way Terminal Click was silently taking shape off-screen, Handmade Seattle 2023 announcements are right. Around. The corner.

With this conference, I am expanding the scale and scope to cater to the growing popularity of the event. I can finally afford to take some interesting risks for you to experience (and hopefully create lasting memories.)

Forgive me for keeping things vague, for now. Expect news and updates shortly—especially after the masterclasses in Boston have wrapped up!

Closing Notes: Abner’s Email Backlog

As this year unfolds, I find myself myself chipping away at a backlog that never really disappears. There’s a couple of factors contributing here.

  • Volume Problem: Since I’m running two indie conferences in a single year, my bandwidth occasionally reaches its limits.
  • Lack of Delegation: As the sole organizer for Handmade Cities, I bear the weight of all responsibilities. This is not going to change, but the need for an administrative assistant has become apparent.

This time around, my solution is to depend on your patience as I work through your messages. On average I respond within a few days, but in rare occasions it may take weeks (unless the conference is imminent. By then my undivided attention shifts exclusively to customer support.)

Looking ahead to future years, I just need to actually hire someone 🙂 If not full-time then certainly in a seasonal capacity. Having trusted staff is the way to expand Handmade Cities further.

Happy Fourth.

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