Almost Gone: Spring Sale 2023

Dear Handmade Folks,

Our Spring Sale for the Handmade conferences is coming to a close on April 30th. Thanks to popular demand we’ve extended the deadline to accommodate more of our community, especially students.

Get ready for what should be a remarkable year! We’re shipping conferences on both the west and east coast: exclusive masterclasses in Boston this summer, and brand new talks in Seattle this fall (featuring an expanded job fair and tradeshow). Secure your spot at the best price by registering now:

The Making of an Indie Organizer

Handmade is currently a niche interest, championing low-level understanding and quality in a world that elevates the production of McSoftware – the digital manifestation of chowing down on Big Macs.

Within this niche my career occupies a distinct corner: orchestrating indie conferences to further our shared values. If you’ve ever wondered about the daily ins and outs of such a position, my friend Allen Webster interviewed me to offer a glimpse:

Handmade Jams

While it’s not true that the online community (Handmade Network) creates delicious strawberry jams (though I think it would be fantastic marketing), they do host cool jam events for programmers. Very often we pick the best entries to be featured at a conference

With the completion of the Visibility Jam I encourage you to explore the recap and maybe even join the upcoming initiative called Time Machine: reminding ourselves how things used to be.

Stay Tuned: New Batch of Speakers

We’ve been quietly (but intensely) seeking new instructors for Handmade Boston and reviewing proposals for Handmade Seattle. Keep an eye out for our new lineup reveal next month!

A Note on Instructor, Speaker & Demo Proposals

For those who have reached out for instructor, speaker, or demo opportunities, please bear with me if you haven’t received a response yet. I’ve been recovering from the flu but I’m catching up this week. You can always reply to this email if you have any questions.

See you soon,


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