A Definitive Guide to N64 Modding
The legendary Kaze Emanuar is famous for playing fire with Nintendo’s IP. Handmade Boston is 100% indie so we’ll take the risk and welcome his teachings with open arms.

Appraise The Classics
Jasper is renowned in the industry for breaking down large systems and understanding the ingenuity of creative work. Now it’s your turn to do the same!

Enter The Arena
Ryan Fleury is among the few who’s cracked the code to write programs in C while virtually eliminating all memory errors. Come learn that superpower with us.

Errors & Compilers
Martins is an engineer at Epic Games / RAD Game Tools, and a famous figure in the Handmade community. The majority of all technical questions are answered by him – often called a true programming wizard.
What does it take to troubleshoot issues like Martins?

The Future of Terminals
Abner Coimbre and Mitchell Hashimoto have explored terminals deeply so they sit down to discuss their terminal projects. Anyone who joins Handmade Boston is automatically enrolled to Abner’s Terminal Click closed beta.

The Path To Raylib
Raylib became the second most popular repository on GitHub. This open-source library has received large grants, awards, and critical acclaim across the industry.
Ramón Santamaría now wishes to share his battle scars in the hopes you’ll adopt the tips & tricks used to ship Handmade software.

Why Can't You Multiply Vectors?
Freya Holmér‘s deep expertise in tech art and math allows her to create stunning visuals and products. Follow her in a quest that opens up your math horizons.